In Reisa National Park there are several cabins and huts that can be used by visitors. Some cabins are for rent, while others are open for free use. Below is an overview of cabins in and around Reisa National Park.
Nordkalottstua is a cozy timber cabin situated at Ovi Raishiin, at the end of the road in Reisadalen valley.
The cabin accommodates 3-4 people. Booking can be done on site by phone or be pre booked. Price per night is EUR 30,- (NOK 300) per person or EUR 70,- (NOK 700) for the whole cabin. DNT members pay per night EUR 20,- (NOK 200) per person or EUR 60,- (600) for the whole cabin. The person who books the cabin, manages the cabin alone even if you are only one person. Payment can be done with cash, bank transfere og invoice.
Read more about the cabin, facilities and rules of use here.
Pre booking of the cabin can be done at Halti National Park Center during opening hours, on the phone or by e-mail.
Contact information
Phone: +47 775 88 282 | +47 775 88 251 | +47 907 79 760
Web: |
Read more about Ovi Raishiin here.
Sieimmastua is a lovely timber cabin on the border to Reisa National Park.
The cabin accommodates 3-4 people. Booking can be done at the Halti building during opening hours, on the phone or by e-mail. The price is EUR 40,- (NOK 400) for the whole cabin per night.
Read more about the cabin, booking, rules and facilities here.
The cabin is owned and maintained by the Reisa National Park Board.
Contact information
Phone: +47 906 40 452 | +47 775 88 251
Sieimmahytta is an open cabin with simple standard located at the national park border.
The cabin can accommodate 4-6 people and is located on the east side of Reisaelva river (on the other side of Nordkalott Trail ). There is a boat that can be used to get across the river.
Facilities: Outdoor toilet, wood stove, wood, gas stove, various kitchen equipment, dining table and various cleaning equipment. Please note that available equipment may vary.
The cabin is owned and managed by Statskog. Read more about Sieimmahytta on Statskog’s pages here.
Vuomatakkahytta is a small open timber hut with simple standard.
The hut can accommodate 2 people. There is a wood fire oven in the hut and usually firewood is available.
The hut is located in Reisa National Park along the Nordkalott Trail approx. 20 km up the valley from Saraelv.
The hut is owned and managed by Statskog. Read more about Vuomatakkahytta on Statskog’s pages here.
Nedrefosshytta is a great timber cabin located in Reisa National Park. The cabin is situated about a day’s march from the entrance points Reisavann and Ovi Raishiin.
The cabin can accommodate 16 people and must be booked in advance. Prices and booking can be found here.
The cottage has good facilities and is well maintained. Read more about the cabin, booking, rules of use and facilities here.
The cabin is owned by Troms Turlag and managed by Nord-Troms Turlag.
Naustihytta is an open cabin situated in Reisa National Park and can accommodate 6 people. The cabin is not located along the Nordkalott Trail, but at the end of a path on the east side of the river from a detour by Nedrefoss.
The cabin is operated by Nordreisa scooter and boat association, and members therefore have the right of use. Non-members must give way to members when the cabin is full. At late evening / night no one should have to give way.
Facilities: Outdoor toilet, cooking facilities, various kitchen utensils, utensils / frying pan, gas hob, sauna and firewood with dry wood.
Everyone who uses the cabin must clean after themselves – floors, tables, cups and tubs. Leave the cabin the way you wish to find it the next time. It is not possible to book the cabin in advance.
Prices: 50, – per night for members, 100, – per night for non-members.
Payment in cash left in the cabin or to bank account: 4740 11 87118.
Contact info:
Phone: + 47 48174084
Facebook: Nordreisa scooter and boat association
Imogammen is a small open timber hut with simple standard and little equipment.
The hut can accommodate approximately 2 people. There is a wood fired oven in the hut and usually firewood available.
The cabin is located in Reisa National Park along a detour from the Nordkalott Trail towards Jiertafossen, approx. 30 km up the valley from Saraelv. The hut is located just south of Imofossen.
The log hut is called Imogammen which means Imo turf hut, because there used to be a turf hut here.
The hut is owned and managed by Statskog. Read more about Imogammen on Statskog’s pages here.
Arthurgammen is a small open hut with simple standard and with little equipment.
The hut can accommodate approximately 2 people. There is a wood fired oven in the hut and usually firewood available.
The hut is located in the mountain birch forest after the ascent from Reisadalen, along a detour from the Nordkalott Trail, not far from where the path crosses Luvddiidjohka. The hut is located in Reisa National Park approx. 36 km from Saraelv.
In Reisadalen, it is referred to as a turf hut because it originally had a floor made of dirt and was traditionally used as a hunting and trapping hut.
The hut is owned and managed by Statskog. Read more about Arthurgammen on Statskog’s pages here.
Reisavannhytta is a nice cabin located on the banks of Ráisjávri.
The cabin has beds for approx. 6 people and can be booked at
The cabin is situated approximately 56 km from Saraelv, 40 km from Kautokeino and 4 km from the end of the road at Biedjovággi. There is a construction road all the way to the water that can be driven with 4×4 car.
The cabin is owned and managed by Statskog. Read more about Reisavannhytta on Statskog’s pages here.
Somashytta is an open cabin with simple standard.
The cabin can accommodate approx. 4 people. There is a wood fired oven in the hut and usually firewood available.
The cabin is located by Somájávri in the Ráisduottarháldi landscape conservation area, approximately 30 km from Saraelv along the Nordkalott Trail from the north, and 56 km from Kilpisjärvi from the south. A good day’s march from Saraelv must therefore be estimated. From the south, there are several cabins on the Finnish side that you can use, with Kopmajoki cabin 3 km away as the closest.
The snowmobile trail from Gahperus in Reisadalen runs close to Somájávri and there are good fishing opportunities in the mountain water.
The cabin is owned by the Directorate of Agriculture and operated by the State Administrator in Troms and Finnmark.
Nilut Sami Siida can offer accommodation and catering for 13-16 people in their cabins.
Location: The cabins are located on the south-west side of Ráisjávri / Reisavann near Áitevárri, 200m from where the Nordkalott Trail passes. The cabins are situated 50 km from Saraelv, 46 km from Kautokeino and 10 km from Leamšejávrrit.
All accommodation, catering and events must be booked in advance. In addition, boat transport across Ráisjávri is offered by further agreement.
Contact information:
Mikkel Nilut, Tel: 91385488, Email:
Inger Marie Nilut, Tel: 97773782, Email:
Sidusgophihytta is an open cabin with simple standard.
The cabin has beds for approx. 6 people. There is a wood fired oven in the hut and usually firewood available.
The cabin is located on the border to Finland at Sidusgophi.
The cabin is owned and operated by the Reindeer Administration.
Deatnomuotkihytta is an older, open cabin with a very simple standard.
The cabin has beds for approx. 4 people. There is wood burning in the cabin and some wood available.
The cabin is located by the border with Finland, in the very south of Reisa National Park.
The cabin is owned and managed by the Reindeer Administration.
Bizushytta is an open cabin with very simple standard.
The cabin has beds with mattresses for approx. 2 persons. There is a wood fired oven in the hut and firewood might be available.
The cabin is located in Kåfjord along the Finnish border at Bizus south of Guolasjávri.
An outdoors toilet can be found approx. 30 meters away from the cabin.
The cabin is owned by Statskog, the military and the Directorate of Agriculture